Roman Pope
Is The Antichrist
A Concise Commentary on the Antichrist, foretold by the Apostle John in I and II John,
and by the Apostle Paul in II Thessalonians 2; with an appendix on the mark of the beast
and the meaning of 666
(Revised 1st edition 2006; 2nd edition 2010).
By Gavin Basil McGrath
B.A. LL.B. (Sydney University)
Dip. Ed. (University of Western Sydney)
Dip. Bib. Studies (Moore Theological College).
With a foreword by Reverend Sam McKay
Secretary of the Protestant Truth
Society 1996 - 2004.

Gavin at the Vatican Library
in 2001 with photocopies from there of three editions with Imprimaturs
of Ferraris's Bibliotheca of Roman Catholic Canon Law legal history
referring at "Papa" 2:20 to the papal title, "Vicarius Filii Dei" |
Click to email Gavin McGrath -
Gavin’s sermons:

Gavin (left) & Sam McKay (right) at the Protestant Truth Society
(PTS) Fleet St., London, in April 2004, in front of a cabinet
containing the weapon used by Papists to martyr the President of
the PTS, John Kensit, a Low Church Evangelical Anglican
clergyman, at Liverpool, England in 1902. |

Jasenovac in Croatia was the Nazi’s 3rd largest concentration
camp, & was simultaneously set up under secular Nazi racial
theoretics rules & Roman Catholic Croatian Inquisition rules
(1941-5). It killed mainly Serbian Orthodox but also others.
Gavin at a bronze effigy of a Jasenovac concentration camp
victim at Jasenovac Memorial, Croatia, April 2004. |

Gavin at Slatina Evangelical (Evangelicka) Lutheran (Luteranska)
Church (Crkva), Croatia, April 2004. From here in 1941
Protestants of Serbian descent were sent to their concentration
camp death. This was simultaneously conceptualized under secular
Nazi racial theoretics; & also under Roman Catholic Croatian
Inquisition theoretics because they refused to convert to Roman
Catholicism. During WWII, of about 70,000 Croatian Lutherans,
some of the 1,500 not of Germanic descent were targeted by these
Ustashi laws. |

Slatina Lutheran Evangelical Church from which came the
Protestant martyrs of Serbian descent who had refused to convert
to Roman Catholicism under the Nazi Ustashi in 1941. During WWII
the main Protestant group in Greater Croatia were 70,000
Lutherans of which 68,500 were Croatians of German descent. This
Church was closed in 1945 as part of Communist leader Tito’s
hostility to persons of German descent; under which persons of
German descent “disappeared,” according to oral tradition at
Communist concentration camps in Voivadina e.g., Sremska
Motovica in the Srem. All Lutheran Church records went “missing”
during the Communist era. When the Communists went in the 1980s
the Lutheran population had been reduced to about 20,000. This
Slatina Church re-opened in 1999. |

Gavin with Jovan Mirkovic, Curator of the Genocide Victims
Museum, holding one of Mirkovic’s books on the Ustashi era.
Belgrade, Serbia, April 2004. |

A poster & picture dealing with Jasenovac (pronounced “Yasenovatz”)
concentration camp on the Sava River of Croatia, Genocide
Victims Museum, Belgrade, Serbia, 2004. The Nazi’s 3rd largest
concentration camp after Auschwitz and Treblinka, it killed
mainly Serbian Orthodox. Killing in total 600,000-700,000; this
included a relatively small number of anti-Nazi political
dissidents, about 20,000 Jews or persons of Jewish descent, &
about 30,000 Gypsies. The total number out of the 1,500 Lutheran
Protestants not of Germanic descent killed here or elsewhere is
not known, (though would not have included Lutherans of Croatian
ethnic descent,) because all Lutheran Church records were
destroyed; & because any persons of Jewish or Serbian descent
either were converts to Protestantism, or their forbears were;
and the Nazi Ustashi did not recognize such conversions. Thus
Ustashi records classified them as either Jews or Serbian
Orthodox. |

The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Zagreb, Aloysius Stepinatz (Stepinac)
was justly convicted by the Allies as a Nazi War Criminal for
his collaboration with the Nazi Ustashi regime that set up the
Greater Croatian Inquisition during World War Two. Stepinatz was
“beatified” by the Roman Church in 1998. Gavin next to a statue
of Stepinatz at Mary’s Basilica, Croatia, in April 2004 which
celebrates this “beatification” of the convicted Nazi war
criminal, Cardinal Stepinatz, by Pope John Paul II. |

Statue at Mary’s Basilica (Maria Bistrica), Croatia, of Pope
John-Paul II (Pope 1978-2005), in his Papal Mitre, celebrating
his beatification of convicted Nazi war criminal, “Blessed”
Stepinatz in 1998. April 2004. Roman Catholics have a threefold
process of 1) declaring a person “Venerable,” 2) “Beatifying”
him with the title, “Blessed,” & 3) “canonizing” him with the
title, “Saint.” Movement through these 3 stages is not
automatic, but whether or nor Cardinal Stepinatz is ever
canonized, the fact that he has been beatified is a Romish
“honour” that will continue to apply to him. |

Vatican City Flag showing Papal tiara, carried to the moon and
back by Apollo 11, and presented by USA President Richard Nixon
(USA President 1969-74) to this Papal State. An example of how
“the kings of the earth have committed” spiritual “fornication”
through diplomatic relations with “the great whore” of Rome
(Rev. 17:1,2,9). Vatican Museum, August 2001. |

Sculpture of Pope Paul VI (Pope 1963-1978) by Lello Scorzelli
(1921-97) showing the “two horns” (Rev. 13:11) of the Papal
Mitre, Vatican Museum, August 2001. |

Sculpture by Adolf Wildt (1868-1931) of the Romanists’ “beloved”
Pope Pius XI (Pope 1922-1939) in the Papal tiara giving him the
“little horn” look (Dan. 7:8). Under Pius XI the Vatican City
State was set up in 1929. The Pope is here depicted grasping at
the “keys” to heaven and hell that the Bible says belong to
Christ alone (Rev. 1:18; 3:7). Vatican Museum, August 2001. |

Artwork (Ramon de Vargas – Guecho, Spain, 1934) shows a woman
falling asleep from the boring monotony of the Rosary’s
repetitious prayers to Mary & God (10 “Hail Mary’s" "to Mary" for
every 1 “Our Father” to God). Christ said, “but when ye pray,
use not vain repetitions” (Matt. 6:7). Vatican Museum, August 2001. |

Roman Catholic Basilica of San Quattro Coronati, Rome (near the
Colosseum), March, 2002. |

Gavin at a series of 13th century frescoes in the Chapel of St.
Sylvester at San Quattro Coronati, Rome, March 2002. This fresco
anachronistically shows the Bishop of Rome, Silvester, wearing a
two-horned Papal mitre, and receiving the Papal tiara, as
purported “grants from the Donation of Constantine.” In fact,
the “Donation of Constantine” is a fraudulent Papal document
from the 8th century which shows how the Pope works “with all
deceivableness” (II Thess. 2:10). But the “Donation of
Constantine” is the origins of both Papal mitre and tiara, and
in this document one first finds the Papal title, “Vicarius
Filii Dei” (Latin, “Vicar of the Son of God"), which in Roman
numerals tallies 666. |

Gavin next to the Column of Phocas, whose Decree in 607 made the
Bishop of Rome, Boniface III, the first Pope. Thus while the
Bishopric of Rome predates the Papacy set up since 607 A.D.; the
office of the Roman Papacy dates from early mediaeval times, and
not as the Church of Rome claims, from before this time. The
Roman Forum, Rome, August 2001. |

Gavin next to the Papal tiara of Pope Paul VI (Pope 1963-1978),
used at his 1963 coronation and also worn at the opening of the
Vatican II Council (1962-5). Crypt of the [Roman] Catholic
University of America, Washington, D.C., USA, March 2009. |

St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, Windsor in Sydney, Australia, 31
Oct. 2010. |

Gavin at Dedication of 2nd edition of “The Roman Pope is the
Antichrist,” Eve of All Saints’ Day, in memory of Luther’s 95
Theses nailed to the Chapel Door of Wittenberg Castle on Eve of
All Saints’ Day 1517, which sparked the Protestant Reformation.
Sunday 31 Oct. 2010, at St. Matthew’s Windsor, after a 1662 Book
of Common Prayer service. |